Friday . 31 Jan. 2025

A Complete Guide On How to delete unwanted blank page in word?

A Complete Guide On How to delete unwanted blank page in word?

I get stumped by some simple task time and often. I think the same goes for you being confused about the task that should be incredibly easy. It's the worst feeling ever not to be able to figure out how to do that simple thing. In this case, it’s deleting an unwanted blank page in word.

After reading this article you will figure out how easy actually it is to delete unwanted blank page in word. Let's go through some of the steps.

How to delete unwanted blank page in word?

There are numerous method to delete unwanted blank page in word. Let us go through each step one by one so that you will be able to shoot out this trouble easily.

1. Pressing the Backspace key

This is probably the easiest method. Move the mouse cursor at the bottom of the page and continue pressing backspace over and over until the page gets deleted.

It might require just one or two presses in some case but it consumes much time in other cases. If you are annoyed with the word, this action might be a good way to lose some steam.

2. Selecting the page content and deleting it 

If you are a Windows user press (Ctrl + G) or  ⌘+Option+G  for mac users. This command will open up the "Find and Replace window". This window will automatically open in the Go To tab. You will see a field box that says "Enter page number". Type ' \page ' without a single quote, press Enter and then click Close. Now, all the content on that page gets selected. Hit the backspace key and you are done.


3. Viewing the page and deleting it

Go to 'View' tab of Word and check the box next to 'Navigation Pane'. Now, the sidebar appears on the left side with each page of your document. Simply click the page you want to delete and hit Backspace until the page is deleted completely.

Word navigation pane

4. Making any extra paragraph smaller

The reason behind having an extra page might be due to an extra paragraph at the end of your document. You can view it by clicking the 'Show/Hide P' button available on the Home tab.

If any paragraph mark leaking onto another page is found, you can be able to delete them. If that paragraph is important to you, you can resize it to force them onto the page above. Chane the font size to 01 to carry this action.

When you make them smaller the content will move onto the top page and the lower page will be deleted.

Word paragraph symbol

Note: Sometimes paragraphs remain on the blank page if there are table or graphs at the end of a page. Here is what you can try.

Right-click on the empty paragraph. Now, select 'Paragraph' and navigate toward the "Line and Page Breaks"  tab. Untick the 'Page break before' box and your issues must be solved.

Word Line and page breaks

5. Consider deleting page break

When you are viewing paragraph marks, please check to see whether there are any manual page breaks above or on the page. You will be able to see if there are any as it will say'page break'. Simply delete it and the extra page will also get deleted along with it.

6. Double-check if your sections are set up correctly

If you are still having trouble your section might be incorrect. Go to 'Layout' and select Margins. Choose' Custom Margins' from the drop-down menu and another pop-up window will appear. Now, look for 'Section start' and make sure that 'New page' is selected and finally click OK.

Word layout

Finally, you have deleted blank page in word

 I think one of the above methods would have worked for you. Now, you are free from those irritating extra pages in Microsoft Word.

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